Scott W sent this to Nick and I today! So hard to believe that we were in this casting session a full year ago. This was an absolute joy and honor to work on. Amazing team, including Crow. I miss my W/S family terribly…but we connect on Zoom almost every week and are all putting positive energy out into the universe for a return to the office within the next few months. Fingers crossed. #proud2bewojcikseay #mst3ktheatre #ilovepuppets
Hi Friends! I hope your weekend is off to a jolly good start. Fridays for me have become “Zoom Fridays!” I have a series of recurring Friday calls lined up with friends and co-workers and I love it. Thinking back on these past few months, I’m not sure I would have made it this far through quarantine without them. These weekly rituals of connecting online have fueled my soul enough to make it through to the next week of quarantine.
Funnily enough, I am and have always been terrible at staying in touch with people. Work really drives me and, often, consumes me! I have always found it hard to stay active in the lives of my friends and family, whether near or far. Always I place at the top of my “To Do List” - call Jen, reach out to Sarah etc…but, somehow with the immediacy of the work that always needs doing and the fact that I have about 3 jobs at any given time, these “to dos” inevitably fall to the bottom of my list. Even at the start of the new year, my resolution typically involves wanting to re-connect and stay in close contact with friends and family. I have consistently carried a deep desire to be a better and more active person in the lives of my loved ones, but continuously fall short.
This is the surprise of this whole crazy quarantine situation - I am connecting more than ever before. Even though I cannot see people in person - I am zooming and face-timing like crazy. I am achieving this goal I have always strived for and it’s revitalizing me! Is there a goal you’ve been able to achieve in our “new normal” that you’ve had on your list? Has something miraculous materialized in your life that you’ve always wished for? Don’t take this for granted! Be grateful and figure out a way to maintain this as we start to drift closer toward a new normalcy. Don’t lose sight of your new magic gift. For me the gift of connection - for you?
Happy Friday and Happy Juneteenth!
Love each other,
Holly xo