Ludo’s Broken Bride - NYMF. To work on this show was like all of my wildest dreams coming true… a rock musical, with an amazing modern dance element and PUPPETS!!! I mean, not to mention the team was absolutely delightful - Creative, kind, open hearted. I loved this cast and will always cherish the moments in the room on this one! (more photos below)
Hi Friends! Sometimes you wake up on the “Wrong Side”. This was the case for me today. Before I even tossed off the covers and put my feet on the floor, I felt overcome by an indescribable sadness for absolutely no reason at all. I am having a good week - I had exciting things on my agenda for today - everything is absolutely fine. Some people call this a “blue day”. I have somewhere the “Blue Day Book” - highly recommended for when you are in a funk…
You can find this on Amazon for a very affordable price. Silly, but seriously worth having on a shelf or in a drawer somewhere, just in case!
One of my favorite descriptions of this phenomena comes from a kindred-literary spirit, Holly GoLightly in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. She describes it as a case of “the mean reds”. Oh boy…pretty accurate. Gosh, I love her.
Today, though, I decided not to fight it, but surrender to it just enough. Give in to the darkness a little bit and explore what is really there. I wrote about it. I went for a run and meditated on it and then I got home and got to work. Funny thing - I was extremely productive and focused today and I don’t feel the gloom anymore. In fact, a handful of wonderful new opportunities presented themselves to me today and I allowed myself to be open about them all. Now, I feel that gloom more as a focused resigning to small activities that sprung from a depth within. That sounds very heady, I know. But, so many times we try to force ourselves out of our funks….but maybe there is another way?
The next time you are having a “blue day” or even a vicious case of the “mean reds”, I challenge you to embrace it, explore it and see what is really there. If it’s truly too ugly to deal with, there’s always ice cream, but you might surprise yourself!
xo Holly
Ludo’s Broken Bride at NYMF - I mean, come on - puppets, dinosaur puppets, time travel and kick ass rock singing!!! So fun.