Photo from a concert presentation of SuperYou - a new musical that was slated to open off-Broadway TONIGHT! This cast is off the hook. Scroll down to see the video they just released. #superyou #proud2bewojcikseay
Hi Friends! As it seems like this lockdown will continue into the summer months, I’ve been doing a lot of research online regarding what activities are safe and what activities are not and hoping to come up with a plan to make quarantine a little more fun. I found this article online today and it’s kinda fun…
So, basically, they are saying in this article, find your tribe (10 people or less suggested) and hunker down or play together! Who would you choose to be on your quarantine team? Who is already on your team? Can you plan fun activities with them - camping, out of town excursion to a house or cabin somewhere fun (beach, lake, woods), cookouts or cook-ins? Is there a masked running partner you can adopt or a few neighbors you feel safe to start a stoop cocktail hour with? Choose wisely…
I wish I could pick my team and fly with them to Hawaii or San Juan and hunker in a house on the beach, but sadly I am so NOT wealthy enough for that one…but abundance can be found without funds. I’m going to think about who I want on my team and how we can manifest fun and delicious activities that are safe….so summer won’t feel impossible.
Pick your team!
Cheers, Holly
In case you missed it, the cast of SuperYou released this amazing & uplifting recording today - on the day their show was slated to open off-Broadway. I’d love to have any of these super heroes on my quaranteam. #proud2bewojcikseay