Evita at Riverside Theatre - Man - How I wish I had gotten a break from audition season to go to Florida and see this production! Working on this piece for Riverside and with Marcia Milgrom Dodge was an absolute joy and dream come true. I know this was magical, considering the cast was off-the-charts and Marcia is a genius. (More photos below) #proud2bewojcikseay
Hi Friends! Since the energy is shifting and it feels like things may start to lift a bit, here are just a few thoughts on how to recalibrate your compass in a healthy forward-thinking way….
When you are so far into quarantine that you have forgotten what your old life felt like (which is about where I am now) take inventory on the things you miss and do not miss from that time… Make a sensible list and post this somewhere visible, so when we DO reenter the world and the work force, you can remind yourself of the habits and activities that filled your soul and the ones that just never fulfilled you.
Speaking of habits - what are the NEW habits that you have developed in the last few months that you surprisingly LOVE? I’m starting to love running outside. I’ve rediscovered music in a new way - I find I’ve been listening all throughout the day to music of all genres that really speak to me! I enjoy cooking. And, I’m learning how to meditate and it’s FUN. These are all things I plan to keep in motion when we are all back in motion. Make a list for yourself. Again, put it somewhere visible so you remember to include all of these new rituals in your daily post - quarantine life.
Financial eye-openers….put together a pre-quarantine and during-quarantine budget - look at them side by side. It’s very clarifying. Figure out the financial changes you can make going forward to better serve you! For me, it’s so clear that I do NOT need to spend the kind of money I was spending on bi-weekly gel manicures. Yes, I enjoy having cute nails - but REALLY?!? I can just paint them at home. I’m fully capable of this. For you, maybe it’s something like - “I don’t need that starbucks. I can save that money for something I really want!” or “Why am I subscribed to 8 million online forums that I never use?” or “Maybe I should brown bag my lunch once I’m headed back into work - I don’t need to shell out so much on lunch every day…” Anyway, think about it - make some small healthy financial changes!
GRATITUDE - when we relaunch actual life, don’t forget to be grateful - for the time you had to re-charge and the new opportunities coming your way - full of surprises - some you may like, some not so much - but be ready to feel deep gratitude at having these new opportunities - don’t lose sight of where we’ve all been for the last few months…
Anyway, Happy Thursday. Stay positive - Hollyxo