Grease at Millbrook Playhouse. This cast was adorable and terrific! (more pictures below)
Hi Friends! A week or so ago I volunteered to be a part of an online interview forum with “Save My Audition” and the amazing Aaron Jodoin. It was so great to be a part of it and it really lifted my spirits to see so many familiar faces on the Zoom call.
There was one question asked that caught me a little off-guard - it was a question regarding diversity and inclusion in casting, but specifically asking about body type in casting. I stumbled over it a little, but eventually got to an answer that almost felt right. Still, I can’t stop thinking about it.
See, the truth is I have struggled with body insecurity all of my life, having clawed my way out of an eating disorder at a young age. I have educated myself on the psychology of this disease and the cultural and social factors that contribute to creating this insane collective belief that outward appearance determines success and likability. And even though I know the causes of this crazy mindset, I still have days when I do not feel good in my body. It’s madness. But, it’s absolutely common in our society - we all face this through out our lives.
I recognize that, as a culture, we must change the insane standards we’ve created regarding body type and the perceptions that accompany these standards. I also realize that the entertainment industry perpetuates these stereotypes to sell tickets. This is the piece of the industry that I wish we could all just tear up and rebuild from the ground up. Why are we so narrow thinking when it comes to our own physical wellness?
We’ve come a long way over the past few years regarding diversity and inclusion and it’s been so exciting to be a part of! I truly hope that developing a healthier sensibility regarding body type is the next frontier. But, changing this shared cultural perception is trickier than just casting “against body type”…it means re-wiring the way our entire culture thinks - stepping away from the barrage of Celebrity Culture, reimagining what “sells”, building each other up - not tearing each other down online and in real life. I’m ready to help with that - all of that. This truly needs to be a collective change - an active choice as a society to empower ourselves and others.
There’s a lot of “normal” we don’t need to go back to once this quarantine has lifted…
I’ve seen so much body-talk on line regarding this quarantine - fears and anxieties running wild. Here’s a great resource article, if you are riddled with insecurities regarding your body right now. And just know, we are all in this together - we always were.
If you would like to continue a dialogue with me regarding this topic, I am available. I welcome any and all ideas on how we can achieve this goal together.
Be kind and love yourself, Holly xo