Just a few pics from a collection I have of my very favorite moment - the moment before the curtain rises!
Hi Friends,
Happy Snow Day! I have some very trying memories of lugging bags of sides to Pearl Studios during blizzards in the middle of audition season, wondering if anyone would even show up for the call. Guess what - you always showed up and delivered! It’s funny to think that we’d be in the middle of the harrowing audition season right now, engulfed in a sheet of snow. Let this be your reminder of just how dedicated and unstoppable you all truly are!
Today I’d love to tell you about a truly magical moment, that because of you, I’ve had the delight to experience over and over and over again. It’s that moment when I am sitting in the audience just before the show begins, program in hand, feeling the excitement of a full house all around me and waiting to see you hit the stage. The casting process is so fun, but once you accept your roles, we are no longer an active part of the project. Yes, we are there in the background just “incase”, standing by for replacements down the line, but we aren’t there in the rehearsal room with you, experiencing the ups and downs of putting the show together piece by piece. So, when we arrive to see you in performance, nothing is more exciting and rewarding than to experience the brilliance of your work fully realized! Thank you for the joy and pride you’ve instilled in me in this moment throughout the years.
Having been on stage, I know the excitement that is happening on the other side of that curtain in this same moment. That electrifying current that runs through your bloodstream as you wait in darkness for the lights to go up as you are cued by the SM. Hearing the roar of the audience morph into silent anticipation and the music of the orchestra or band start to soar. Don’t lose sight of this feeling. It’s the feeling that made you willing to sludge out in a blizzard to attend that open call. You will experience this magic again. We will return home and it will be twice as joyful - I promise.
What will you do, today, on this “Snow Day” to keep your dream of that moment alive? Take one small action step toward that day when the curtain will rise!
xo Holly
Nick Ferrao and I before the start of The Super You Concert. Yes, we really get THIS excited to see your brilliant work!