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Hi Friends! My blog went a little dark because, given the current climate, it just felt a little tone def and Monday didn’t feel very magical - just full of rage and despair. Also, I really wanted some time to go inward and meditate on the personal changes I can make to become a better, more understanding person in the world.

I’ve decided every day I am going to do one thing - take one action - in support of diversity, inclusion and the #blm movement. I have always been an ally, but maybe it’s time to really push myself to do more.

Today I donated to LDF :

Tomorrow, I will spend a few hours of my day writing letters/texting/calling. Now that they’ve charged these officers, there are still so many unresolved injustices to be dealt with. Here a some and you bet I will be researching some others :

I plan on educating myself to know how to better become an active vehicle for change. If you have any thoughts on things I should be doing -please message me or email me. I sincerely welcome ALL thoughts.

I support the protesters - their anger is more than justified. Enough is enough. Anger is useful and brings about change. I believe change is coming. Let’s clear a path…


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