Oklahoma at The Engeman Theatre - gorgeous production and cast. #proud2bewojcikseay (more photos below)
Hi Friends! Today let’s talk about perfectionism and the desire to people please. As a performer, this can be your worst enemy. Since we’ve been quarantined, I’ve done a few online forums speaking about and to performers. I find I’m always talking about being authentic to who you are - sharing your unique point of view and embracing yourself wholeheartedly, whether you are in the room, self-taping or even in the rehearsal process. Obviously, we all want to be our best, do our best, put our best foot forward etc…but, at a certain point in your career you need to trust that you are enough. Do the work - do it well and do it with all of your energy - but trust that you cannot make everyone happy all the time and that the work MUST be in sync with your personal energy for you to really shine from the heart.
I recently listened in to the AEA forum regarding self-taping tips from various casting offices in the city. The anxiety level was high, the questions were rapid-fire. “What are the dos the don’ts?” “How should I light?” “What should I wear?” “What if I don’t have a reader?” How do we all figure out this new frontier of taped auditions for live entertainment?!? TOGETHER. There were a lot of excellent tips and thoughts combed through in those couple of hours online, but the bottom line: You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to get it exactly right. You only need to show up, be reliable and be yourself - fully. I promise you. “How do I stand out in a taped submission?” My favorite question - the same way you always stand out - by being 100% uniquely who you are and making choices that speak to your own soul and sharing that with us.
Often times people have asked me, “If you could go back in time and give advice to the former Holly - the actor Holly - what would you say?” It has become my favorite question. I think I would say….”Just be who you are and trust that is enough. Don’t apologize and don’t hold back.”
I know it’s easier said than done - but ditch your desire to people please. Perfectionism is a myth - you are enough!
xo Holly