Matthew Takes Manahatta - An early show from Vital Theatre Company! More pics below….
Hi Friends! A friend of mine posted on Facebook, in a plea for shared grief or maybe just a rant at the universe, “Life is weird right now”. I found myself responding that “Weird is normal.” Which made me think about this myth of normalcy. In this current situation, I keep hearing on the news about “Going back to normal” and people questioning “When can we go back to normal?” Honestly, I don’t remember “normal” and I think it’s fine if we never find it again. Maybe there’s something beyond this concept of “normal” that is way better than anything we’ve ever experienced. I found this quote from Nicholas Sparks and it really spoke to me:
Life has been “inherently unpredictable” lately and always - maybe we just tried to shove it in a box of normalcy. Here’s hoping we find something more and can finally embrace the unknown…
Holly xo