UNCLE PIRATE - Vital Theatre Company - 2009! I’ve decided to post pictures of some of the amazing shows I’ve loved casting over the years - mostly to remind you of all of the incredible work you have done and how much more work there will be to create when we have gotten through this. It’s been such a pleasure to see you all grow and blossom over the years. I have been so lucky! Check in everyday for a new pic!
Hi Friends! We are all struggling to stay positive and mentally healthy with all that is going on. And the continuous news feed reporting on the crisis is a spinning wheel of negativity that we can become trapped in, if we let ourselves. I would suggest limiting your intake of daily news to a palatable amount but please do follow the news conferences involving our Governor, Cuomo.
He is showing the kind of calm, strong, honest leadership we need to get our city and state through this ordeal. Every time I watch him speak, I feel I have a better understanding/grasp of the situation, I know very clearly what my part in this is as a New Yorker, I trust that he is taking all the steps necessary to get our citizens the help that they need - in a nutshell, I feel safe, protected and respected. YAY, CUOMO!
Today, he even addressed the mental health of the citizens and a program he’s trying to put in place with volunteer therapists to help us all get through this. WOW. AND THEN talked about being kind to others and staying positive AND SMILING AT PEOPLE AS WE PASS THEM BY ON THE STREET WHEN WE ARE OUT FOR A WALK.*see note about this below. His thoughtfulness brings me great, great hope.
For information on all of the things he’s doing and just general info on our current situation please visit:
I think I will be sending a note via this website to his staff suggesting a state wide reduction on Rent - a decrease by at least a percentage would help us all. They already addressed mortgages, but what about us little people who pay exorbitant prices for our tiny apartments in NYC? Yep, I’m gonna do this. #we’renotgonnapay
Lorin Zacular is a performer I adore and is incredibly talented who gets a shout out today because she posted this ingenious thing on Facebook - I’m reposting (hope you don’t mind, Lorin). It made me aware of some things I still should be doing to protect my finances moving forward! THANK YOU, LORIN!
Finally - My “See Note” from above (how very Guys and Dolls of me) - I’ve gone out on walks and runs and small errands here and there. You have to - to stay sane and healthy! I’ve crossed paths with others doing the same - we stay a distance as you should. But, people are avoiding eye-contact and generally acting strange. If I look you in the eyes from 6 feet away, you are NOT going to be infected. If I wave and smile from 6 Feet away, you are NOT going to be infected. If I say “Hello” from 6 Feet away you can say “Hello” back from 6 Feet away and neither one of us will be infected! Let’s try not to forget to smile and wave - pretty please? Kindness, warmth and normal greetings can go a long way! Ok, rant over.
Oh, and today was Reggae day in my apartment in Brooklyn….
Sending you alllllll the love. xoxoHolly